About Us
The Mound Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency is a joint powers authority comprised of the following three local public agencies: United Water Conservation District (United), County of Ventura (District), and City of San Buenaventura (City), hereinafter jointly called Agencies. The boundaries of these agencies and the newly formed Mound Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency are shown on the map uploaded below. United is authorized under the California Water Code to conduct water resource investigations, acquire water rights, build facilities to store and recharge water, construct wells and pipelines for water deliveries, commence actions involving water rights and water use, and prevent interference with or diminution of stream/river flows and their associated natural subterranean supply of water (California Water Code, section 74500 et al.). The County of Ventura exercises water management and land use authority on land overlying the entire county including Fillmore and Piru Basins. The City of San Buenaventura is a local municipality that exercises water supply, water management, and land use authority within the city’s boundaries.

Bryan Bondy
Executive Director
Executive Director
With over 20 years of private and public sector groundwater experience in California, Mr. Bondy has been contracted to serve as the Executive Director for the Mound Basin GSA. He is also a Board-appointed member of the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency’s Technical Advisory Group, tasked with reviewing four Groundwater Sustainability Plans currently under development, and he also serves in a management capacity for another GSA.
Mr. Bondy has completed numerous groundwater studies and management plans prior to the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. He also enjoys working with stakeholders and recently facilitated the development of proposed groundwater pumping allocation plans for the Las Posas Valley Basin Groundwater Users group and the Oxnard Plain – Pleasant Valley Agricultural Owners.
Mr. Bondy earned his Master’s degree in Hydrogeology from San Diego State University and is a State of California Professional Geologist and Certified Hydrogeologist. Mr. Bondy also holds the distinction of being the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency’s Groundwater Stewardship Award recipient for 2018.